Empathy Bear
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Empathy Bear
Empathy Bear is a timeless companion, crafted from a piece of your heart and a sprinkle of your tears. Christine Dernederlanden, C.T.S.S., C.T.R., designed Empathy Bear after working with the children affected by the events of September 11, 2001. Their heartfelt words, “Please take my tears home with you,” inspired this enduring symbol of love and compassion.
Christine continues to work globally as a humanitarian in the field of trauma, earning international recognition for her unwavering efforts to bring comfort and healing.
Attached Card Message
"The tear in my eye is to let you know that others feel your sadness.
The heart within my paw represents the love that surrounds you.
My tissue is for you; it is filled with compassion."
Each card is customizable with your logo and attached with a ribbon color of your choice. Optional embroidered foot logo with bulk orders. Empathy Bear has supported many organizations, including hospitals, hospices, healing lodges, funeral homes, fundraisers, service clubs, school boards, and many more.
For bulk order pricing, please create an account or simply email us.
Robert’s Press © Author: Christine Dernederlanden C.T.S.S., C.T.R.