What Do I Do When Teenagers Question Their Sexuality?
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"Nobody can prepare you for all the issues you’ll encounter when it comes to teenagers. Whether you work with teens or are trying to parent them, chances are that you’ve already run into a few things that you felt completely unprepared or ill equipped to deal with. You’re not alone! In this hard-hitting series of books, you’ll find answers to the difficult questions you face when challenges arise. Each book presents four sections to help you process the issue and get help for your teens. You’ll be given insight to understand the issue, you’ll explore how theology intersects with the issue, you’ll get practical tips and actions you can take to help teens and their families, and you’ll find additional resources to take the help further. In this book, Dr. Steven Gerali will help you: • Understand sexual orientations, including the culture of gay teenagers • Grasp the struggles of gay teens, including coming out, bullying and harassment, and at-risk behaviors and consequences • Explore how theology informs how we respond to teenagers who struggle with their sexuality • Delve into questions that demand theological consideration, like “Why doesn’t God take this away?” and “Will I go to hell because I’m gay?” • Get tips for creating a safe environment and loving community for all teens • Find ways to help parents who are struggling with a teen questioning his or her sexuality • Minister to a student diagnosed with HIV/AIDS With What Do I Do When Teenagers Question Their Sexuality?, you’ll have what you need to offer help and hope to hurting teens and their families, and you’ll find plenty of resources for help beyond what you’re able to give."